SWGA spend approximately $20K a year in funding grants
Recent successful grant applications have been awarded to
Winchelsea Golf Club - financial assistance for irrigation works on tee boxes as part of their Multi Tee – Short Course Project.
Inverleigh Golf Club for website development and improvements that will support club events, advertising and sponsors.
Lorne Golf Club for purchase of a chain saw that will expand their equipment to better support development initiatives which will require large tree removal associated with safety issues as well as fairway management.
Clifton Springs Golf Club – Empower Games 2025. SWGA will sponsor one special needs student in this year program enabling the student to gain valuable golfing skills that could work towards participation in the Special Olympics events in near future.
These are all worthy recipients and SWGA Board would like to thank Narelle Alford (BHGC) and Angela Royal (Portarlington GC) for their assistance on the working panel.
Watch our website for the 2025 round of Grant Program due to open in April.