AGM Announcement
The following Board positions announced.
- President: Georgie Sanders
- Secretary: Bernie Perry
- Womens Golf Operations; Wendy Tottenham
- Mens Golf Operations: David Smith
- Board member: Sally Ludlow
- Junior Coordinator: Vacant
- Treasurer: Vacant
SGM followed the AGM to pass a motion for a new Constitution that will provide more flexibility in board nominations and positions, and to further modernize the document in line with current Golf Australia model rules. This document was passed and now goes to Consumer Affairs Victoria for ratification.
The newly elected Board of South Western Golf Association will fill the vacancies of the new board adopted under the new constitution.

Golf Australia /Victorian District Review
In September a proposal by GA/GV was sent to all Districts for a review of district structures, boundaries and number of country golf Districts. Reason some districts experiencing hardship and are of great risk. There was no prior consultation with districts and a very short timeframe for approval at upcoming GV AGM. Discussions were held between GV /GA reps and District reps at Country Teams week as well as other districts over coming couple of weeks.
October Resultant Motion was sent to GV asking for consultation and involvement of affected parties in the review. This motion was accepted by the GV Board of Directors at their meeting October and became the mandate required to pursue district reform in consultation with Districts.
November Email from Rohan O’Neill new state manager & head of Clubs & Facilities and convenor of district review. Terms of Reference (TOR) and Code of Conduct presented. Only 4 Representatives (2 male 2 female) from Districts and 1 from VGL were required on review panel.
November Meeting convened of Presidents, secretaries for collective consideration & nomination of 4 reps. Expression of dissatisfaction with TOR and lack of district representation.
- TOR remains prescriptive.
- 4 Reps on Task force inadequate. Should be 1 per region.
- All too rushed.
- Code of Conduct strange not in good faith.
- Do we need a review.
- Lack of consultation
- Ask for GA/GV to listen to view points
- We need to come together to steer the review. A collaborative approach.
- Existing voting rights are not reflective.
- Needs transparency.
This will be an ongoing process that involves all districts large or small and SWGA board will be well represented in any discussions.
We need to work together to build a better future for all levels of golf.
A united direction.
Georgie Sanders